Petland's Adopt-A-PetSM program has been a tremendous success with Petland store operators collectively placing over a quarter of a million homeless pets in the last ten years. The program also is growing stronger day by day as new Petland stores open with the program.
What is Adopt-A-Pet?
Petland Pet Counselors work with staff at local animal shelters, pet rescue groups and with members of the local community to place homeless pets - puppies, dogs, kittens, cats and a variety of small animals. As part of this cooperative program, Petland store operators make available their highly visible Petland display windows to aid in the placement of homeless pets in local communities.

Who benefits?
Local homeless pets and pet care organizations benefit. In fact, companywide, participating Petland stores have placed more than 270,000 homeless pets - 59,945 homeless puppies and dogs and 212,534 homeless kittens and cats since 1998. As part of the Adopt-A-Pet program, Petland store operators also give donations and conduct fundraisers to aid animal care groups in the communities they serve. At Petland, we believe in doing the right thing for our pets, our customers and the communities in which we serve. A number of important community service programs exist at Petland. They include:
Are there other added values for the homeless pets?
Yes. In most cases the Adopt-A-Pets at Petland receive a veterinary wellness check and initial vaccinations. Many new Adopt-A-Pet families also receive a complimentary first visit at the store's local consulting veterinary clinic. Generally, Adopt-A-Pets are covered by a health warranty at the local Petland store.
Some Petland stores offer Adopt-A-Pets already spayed and neutered. Other Petland stores offer new Adopt-A-Pet families substantial discounts on this veterinary procedure or a certificate for a free spay-neuter at the store's local consulting veterinary clinic.
Nearly all Adopt-A-Pets go home with a Pets for a LifetimeSM Resource Kit. The kit addresses pet needs and aims to ensure the pet has a successful transition into its new home.
Some Petland stores also micro-chip their Adopt-A-Pets and enter pet identification information into a national pet registry. The goal of micro-chipping is to see to it that lost Adopt-A-Pets have a better chance of being reunited with their owners.